Thursday, October 14, 2004

IBEW Local 688 (Mansfield OH) Business Manager co-chairs United Way Fundraiser

Speaker motivates United Way effort

By Jennifer Kowalewski
News Journal

MANSFIELD -- Rosemarie Rosetti knows the United Way of Richland County offers many programs to help people with disabilities.

As Miss Wheelchair Ohio 2004, Rosetti spoke at a luncheon Wednesday about living life to the fullest.

"Your life is now," she said in the packed room at Brown Derby Roadhouse. "Sometimes, life changes in an instant."

Rosetti lost the use of her legs six years ago, when she went for a bike ride through central Ohio with her husband.

"I got out of the passenger seat of the car and took my last steps," she said. "As we rode, my husband heard a noise, which sounded like a gunshot. In an instant, he saw a tree coming down, landing on top of me."

After the accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down, Rosetti started working as a motivational speaker. She tried to motivate those around her Wednesday to continue support for the United Way.

A pilot program with the organization raised $30,880, Pilot Campaign chairman Rush "Doc" Stumbo said. Richland Newhope Center won the competition of the five local organizations vying to raise the most in the program.

The agency saw an increase in employee participation of 173 percent over last year. The agency increased its contributions to the United Way by 118 percent.

Others involved in the pilot program to jump start the United Way campaign included Richland County Title Department and Clerk of Courts, O'Charley's Restaurant, Bank One and the Mansfield Police Department.

The AFL-CIO came through with a golf outing that raised $7,500 for the United Way.

Co-Chairs Ed Olson and Gaylord Rice Jr. were on hand to say thanks for the support so far, but asked for continuing support through the end of the campaign, Dec. 17.

"We are encouraged by the campaign," said Rice, business manager at IBEW Local 688. "We're excited about reaching our goal."

Richland County Commissioner Olson said everyone in Richland County should support this worthwhile agency. United Way and its partnering agencies help across the county, not just within the city limits.

The United Way agencies assisted about 33 out of every 100 people in Shiloh and 94 people out of every 100 people Lucas. In Mansfield, the agencies help 48 for every 100 people.

"The United Way services are delivered throughout Richland County, not just Mansfield," he said.

(419) 521-7232

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