Friday, August 12, 2005

Building Trades Re-Elects Sullivan, Nominated by IBEW President Ed Hill

Press ReleaseSource: Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO

67th Convention of Building & Construction Trades, AFL-CIO Re-Elects Pres. Sullivan and Sec.-Treas. Maloney
Tuesday August 9, 3:14 pm ET

BOSTON, Aug. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- The Sixty-Seventh Convention of the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO convened in Boston, Massachusetts at the Sheraton Boston Hotel today. Approximately 300 delegates representing international construction unions and state councils are attending to elect leadership team and to consider resolutions.

Building Trades President Edward C. Sullivan, who began his career as a Boston Elevator Constructor, was elected to another five year term. Also re- elected was Secretary-Treasurer Joseph Maloney, a Canadian Boilermaker. Both Sullivan and Maloney have worked as a team to refocus the operations and initiatives to meet the changing marketplace.

Sullivan delivered the keynote address which called for unity between all construction trades to address the challenges ahead. "As trade unionists we will work inside the house of labor to make it stronger ... because that's where we belong ... We have a responsibility to our members and to our industry to stand united. There has never been a time in the history of the labor movement when it was more imperative ... We cannot afford to be fighting with each other. It saps our resources and our resolve. Rather, we must turn our attention where it belongs toward our real adversaries in the political and private sectors ... who take comfort in any sign of labor disunity."

Referring to recent controversy in the AFL-CIO, Sullivan noted, "We regret that the leaders of the Teamsters and the Carpenters have chosen to disaffiliate from the AFL-CIO and, therefore, to leave the Building Trades Department. We recognize that there is a necessary interrelationship among the building trades. We will continue to work together to ensure that our differences do not disrupt jobsites and that the important progress we have made with contractors and owners will continue."

Sullivan was nominated by Dana Brigham, General President IUEC, and Edwin Hill, General President, IBEW. Maloney was nominated by Newton Jones, President, Boilermakers and William Hite, President United Association.

AFL-CIO President John Sweeney and US Congressman Michael Capuano also addressed the convention today.


Media contact:
Helen Corbett
(978) 774-0492

Source: Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO

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