Thursday, August 18, 2005

Geaorge Meany Campus, National Labor College, Offers Education for Tomorrow's Leaders Today

The National Labor College
George Meany Campus
10000 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20903
Phone: (301) 431-6400
Toll Free: 1-800-GMC-4CDP
Fax: (301) 431-5411

The National Labor College (NLC) is located on a beautiful 47-acre campus in Silver Spring, Maryland. It began with the vision of George Meany that labor have its own college - a national center that would provide continuous labor education for all union activists.

At NLC you can take classes that enable you to be an integral part of building your union; those same union-building classes can start you on the path to finishing the bachelor’s degree you have always yearned for.

Continuing Union Education Programs

During the 2005-2006 academic year, NLC will offer more than seventy week-long labor education classes in areas such as arbitration, organizing, negotiations, safety & health, union building and leadership development. Specialized certificates are available.

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

NLC offers a Bachelor of Arts degree with majors in various areas of labor studies and a Bachelor of Technical/Professional Studies degree. Masters degree programs in Public Administration and Legal and Ethical Studies are delivered by the University of Baltimore at the NLC George Meany campus. There are also other graduate degree opportunities.
For More Information:

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