Thursday, August 18, 2005

IBEW Local 387 (Phoenix AZ) Signs up workers at AZ Powerplant

IBEW Picks Up Arizona Power Plant

August 2, 2005

More than 10 workers at a power plant southeast of Phoenix will be represented by Local 387 following the Arizona Public Service Company’s voluntary recognition of the union.

Local 387 Business Manager Bob DeSpain said the local already represents approximately 2,000 workers at the utility, whose service area covers Arizona and parts of New Mexico.

In March, when the company informed DeSpain it was acquiring the Pinal County gas-fired turbine facility from Pennsylvania-based PPL, he expressed interest in organizing the unit. Plant workers and the company agreed.

"We have a pretty good working relationship with the company," DeSpain said. "It worked out well."

The 450-megawatt Sundance power plant operates primarily during periods of high energy demand.

IBEW Local Union 387 Web site

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