Friday, December 30, 2005

IBEW Local 1158 (Newark NJ) Business Manager Letter to North Jersey Herald News Extols Virtues of Union Representation

Unions make U.S. stronger

The ongoing assault against organized labor in New Jersey and the country as a whole is representative of a far darker trend, one that does not bode well for the financial and national security of our nation in the future. An attack on the labor movement in the United States is fundamentally an attack on the middle class.

Even a cursory understanding of history will demonstrate that the majority of Americans who have made their way into the middle class during the mid to late 20th Century are as a result of gains achieved by workers organizing collectively. Now, with employees who are pro-union being fired left and right and employers actively engaging tactics that are reminiscent of the 1920s and '30s, that foothold in the middle class is getting slipperier and slipperier.

Union representation has been positive and beneficial to our nation. As Americans, we should not forget that lesson and remember that a strong middle class is the result of strong labor unions, which are in turn necessary in ensuring that the national security of this nation is preserved.

Joseph Calabro, business manager, Local 1158, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Clifton

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