Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Former IBEW Local, now organized as Utility Workers 1-2 Stands up for Workers

from Local 1-2, Utility Workers Union of America:

Local 1-2 Bargaining Update

Local 1-2, Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO June 22, 2004

Con Edison's Message: Members Are Second-Class Citizens

Con Edison continues to treat this membership like second-class
citizens by demanding givebacks that would severely harm your pension,
medical and other benefits. Con Edison knows these are strike issues -
that your Union would never agree to these givebacks. Your Union is
seeking a contract that provides wages and benefits equal to your
skills and talent. You are part of the most experienced, professional,
highly skilled utility work force in the country. Con Edison seems to
forget you restored power in record time in lower Manhattan after 9/11,
and after last summer's blackout. You did the work. The company got the
credit. Without Local 1-2's members, there would be more tragedies like
Jodi Lane. We will not let Con Edison get away with murder, or treat
Union Members like second-class citizens.

Rally in Union Square Park (14th St. & Broadway) Thursday, June 24,
2004 at 4p.m. Keynote Speaker: AFL-CIO President John Sweeney

We are not alone. Local 1-2 has the support of the City's organized
labor community. We have planned a massive rally this Thursday, June
24, in Union Square Park (14th St. & Broadway) in Manhattan. President
Manny Hellen will addrss Local 1-2 Members and supporters at this
rally. Local 1-2 was able to get National AFL-CIO President John
Sweeney as keynote speaker (not easy with President Sweeney's
schedule). Guest speakers also include UWUA President Donald Wightman,
NYS AFL-CIO President Dennis Hughes, and NYC Central Labor Council
President Brian McLaughlin. Union members from all of these
organizations will be there,, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Local
1-2's Members. It's important that you attend this rally in Union
Square Park. Take the Q, L, N, R, W, 4, 5 or 6 train to the 14th
Street/Union Square Station.

Radio Campaign on WCBS and 1010 WINS

Besides the media blitz against Con Edison, we launched a radio
campaign this past Monday. You can hear the 60-second spots during
morning and afternoon drive time on WCBS News Radio 880 and 1010 WINS

Public Information Campaign

Local 102 launched a public information campaign against Con Edison
yesterday at major subway hubs in the City and Westchester. We handed
our thousands of flyers urging people to call the NYC Public Service
Commission (1-800-342-3377) and say "NO" to Con Edison's $ 1 Billion
electric rate increase if Union workers are forced to strike. The PSC's
phone lines are ringing off the hook, thanks to us. Give this number to
family members, friends and ratepayers. Urge them to call

from the New York City Central Labor Council:

Utility Workers L. 1-2 Contract Rally
Joing Local 1-2 Utility Workers and National AFL-CIO President John J.
Sweeney for a rally at Union Square Park to support workers in their
contract dispute with Con Edison.

Additional speakers include:
Donald Wightman, National UWUA President
Denis Hughes, NYS AFL-CIO President
Brian McLaughlin, NYC CLC President
Manny Hellen, UWUA L. 1-2 President

Date: Thursday, June 24 - Thursday, June 24

Time: 3:30 PM

Location: Union Square Park
14th Street & Broadway

For More Information: Utility Workers L. 1-2

© 2004. New York City Central Labor Council.
May 19, 2004

Website design
by CWE, members
of Local 815

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