Friday, June 25, 2004

IBEW Local Union 21 need your help if you live in Illinois!

We at local 21 are asking for your help in getting a fair contract
at SBC. Our contract ends at midnight Saturday June 26th. SBC is
displaying its corporate greed by trying to take away active and
retiree benefits, while it posts profits of $8.5 billion dollars in

This petition drive will call on elected officials to stop bailing
out the company with rate hikes until SBC makes good on its promise
to invest in experienced workers (IBEW Local Union 21 members) in
order to improve its customer service.

We need you to sign up to this petition immediately at and make sure that you ask your family,
friends, co-workers and anyone else in your community to do the

This is an opportunity to demonstrate to the company that we are
serious about reaching a fair contract before the expiration date at
midnight on Saturday.

Thank You,

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