Monday, September 27, 2004

IBEW 1547 (Anchorage AK) prepares to ngotiate with Fairbanks City Council

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

Council to amend budget
Staff Writer

Monday, September 27, 2004 - The City Council has a light agenda for its regular meeting tonight.

The major business will be amending the city budget to reflect a $514,157 difference from the approved budget and actual costs, said Ron Woolf, the city's chief financial officer.

"Some of it is reorganizing and some of it is new changes in accounting," he said. "It's housekeeping."

The approved city budget reflected $23,911,717 in appropriation but the ordinance would change that to $23,397,560. Changes like this happen several times a year, Woolf said.

"You want the budget to be a tool," he said. "It's an estimate. There are things that come up."

Other business includes approval of minutes, staff reports and approval of election judges for the Oct. 5 election.

The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the city council chambers at City Hall, 800 Cushman St. The council will have an executive work session at 6 p.m. where they will discuss labor contract negotiations with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Diana Campbell can be reached at 459-7523 or .

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