Wednesday, September 15, 2004

IBEW Local 895 (Bastrop, LA) Fights for health care in new contract

Mum's the word on IP contract talks
By Staff Daily Enterprise

Neither side has anything to say about ongoing contract talks between International Paper's Louisiana Mill and employees represented by the two unions.

Talks have been ongoing since March between company officials and representatives of the Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Electrical (PACE) Workers Union International and the International Brotherhood of Electric Workers (IBEW) to get a new contract in place for the more than 700 workers at the mill.

IP spokesman Kenny Haddox said he could not comment beyond confirming the company and union representatives were still in negotiations.

Monty Payne, a regional representative with PACE answered with "I have no comment at this time," several questions about the contract talks.

Six weeks ago, PACE regional representative Gary Beavers said the two sides were "not where we need to be to vote on whether we'll vote."

In contract talks, union members often take non-binding straw polls on preliminary contract proposals in efforts to determine if the proposition meets with member's approval.

Mill manager Greg Van Voorhis had previously said, "They want a contract, and we want a contract. We'll get there."

Sources close to the negotiations have said the company has proposed a pay increase, most of which would be offset by an increase in the amount employees pay for dependent care under their hospitalization coverage.

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