Friday, October 08, 2004

Cheney the Prodigal Son of the IBEW?

Brother Cheney?

Tuesday night's vice presidential debate may not have focused on Philadelphia's municipal politics, but something Vice President Cheney said managed to touch a raw wire - er, nerve - for members of the city's electricians' union.

Talking up his humble Wyoming roots, Cheney revealed that he had been an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers member for several years as a young man. That came as news to at least some members of Philadelphia's IBEW local, which plays a key role in city Democratic politics.

Local 98 leader John Dougherty, the party's treasurer and frequently mentioned as a 2007 mayoral nominee, said that he heard of Cheney's union past, but suggested that the vice president had strayed from his roots.

"It's too bad Halliburton is nonunion," Dougherty said of the corporation Cheney used to lead. - Michael Currie Schaffer
Philadelphia Inquirer 9/10/04

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