Friday, October 22, 2004

IBEW and CWA continue to negotiate with Lucent


The Union Bargaining Team met all morning to prepare counter
proposals to the Company on active and retiree healthcare. A
comprehensive healthcare proposal is expected to be presented by
the Union.

The Union manufacturing sub-committee met today with the Company
to discuss issues on how to deal with the issues of peaks and
valleys in the workload and how to staff people accordingly.

The Consolidated Table met this afternoon and addressed
bargaining proposals around:

- Training Mentorship Programs
- Transferring Wage Rate

The Union rejected the Company proposal on lateral transfer
language and Bell Labs Movement of Personnel.

Finally, in National Sub-Committee discussions the Company and
the Union discussed proposals around the Long Term Savings and
Security Plan.

Bargaining will continue throughout the weekend and we will
update you accordingly.

We are once again asking everyone to voice their objections to
the Company on their lack of progress at the bargaining table,
and we must continue the mobilization to effect the change.

In Unity,

The Bargaining Team:

Ralph Maly
Mary Jo Sherman
Gerald Souder
Tom Bruhn
Mike Klein
Chuck Mitchell
Brian Reilly
Marcie Vincent

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