Sunday, February 20, 2005

IBEW Local 1228 (Boston, MA) Settlement Includes Pay Raise, Increased Health Costs

Providence RI.. A Unit Meeting for eligible Members of the IBEW
Local 1228 Bargaining Unit employed by Rhode Island Public
Television (WSBE-TV) was conducted on February 17, 2005. During
that meeting, a majority of eligible Unit Members, present and
voting by secret ballot, voted to "approve" the labor agreement
negotiated with the Rhode Island Public Telecommunications Authority
during a mediation session conducted by Francis O'Brien on February
9, 2005.

The approved Agreement is effective from July 1, 2003 through June
30, 2006. Base wage rate increases of 1% each were offered for the
first and second contract years, with a wage rate reopener being
effective for fiscal 2006, During fiscal 2004 and 2005, employees
of the State of Rhode Island were not granted base wage rate
increases unless they agreed to commence paying a portion of their
health insurance premiums. The Unions representing employees of the
State of Rhode Island have to date refused to agree to such
payments. The health insurance premiums issue was never advanced by
the Rhode Island Public Telecommunications Authority.

It is currently anticipated that the new Agreement will be on the
agenda of the Board of Directors of the Rhode Island Pubic
Telecommunications Authority at its scheduled March 10, 2005
meeting. Once ratified by the Authority's Board, the Authority and
the Union can execute the new Agreement.

For more information, please contact IBEW Local 1228 Business
Manager Ken Flanagan at or visit the IBEW
Local 1228 web site using the following URL:

February 20, 2005

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