Friday, March 11, 2005

IBEW Local 8 (Toledo) Stands Up and Demands Proper Pay for Non-Union Electricians on Prevailing Wage Job!

Article published Friday, March 11, 2005 from the TOLEDO BLADE:

Electricians' union claims firm underpaid workers

BOWLING GREEN - A Rossford-based electrician's union has filed three complaints against a Carey, Ohio, contractor, claiming the company failed to pay prevailing wages to its workers on three projects in Bowling Green.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 8 filed the complaints this week in Wood County Common Pleas Court against Vaughn Industries LLC regarding work done at Bowling Green State University on the renovation of the Offenhauer residence hall, an electrical upgrade at Rodgers Quadrangle, and a fire alarm improvement project at the Administration Building.

Local 8 said Vaughn paid its workers below the fixed prevailing wage and failed to deliver to the projects' prevailing wage coordinator certified copies of its payroll on the projects.

The complaints seek back pay for affected employees, penalties to be paid to the state commerce director, attorneys' fees, and an order enjoining Vaughn from contracting with any public entities for work.

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