Monday, March 27, 2006

IBEW Local 1105 (Zanesville OH) IBEW Local hosts Debate

From WHIZ- Wiz 102
Democrat Congressional Candidates Speak Out

Sun, Mar 26, 2006. 07:15 PM

By: Jennifer Jarrell
All four candidates for the 13th Congressional Race were at the IBEW Hall here in Zanesville today where they called for a change in Congress. WHIZ’s Jennifer Jarrell has more.

It was a chance for the public to see their faces and hear their voices.

Ralph Applegate, Zack Space, Jennifer Stewart and Joe Sulzer all used today’s open forum to tell the public their plans.

Candidate Zack Space says, “Were here to try to communicate our message to as many people as possible, and we have been doing that now for four or five months, and it is a message that we need a change.”

All four are competing for the Democratic ticket, where the winner will take on Republican Bob Ney in November.

Jennifer Stewart says this year’s packed race should send a message to voters.

“I think that the number of candidates is a reflection of the interest in this race and the public is ready to consider a change in representation for our district,” Stewart said.

Joe Sulzer says a lot still needs to be done in the 16 counties in the district including putting people back to work.

“Jobs, we need to keep the jobs that we have, we need to create more jobs. When we have unemployment at seven percent, which is higher than the national average and state. If we didn’t have a congressman playing golf in Scotland, and paying more attention to his constituents we wouldn’t have this problem,” Sulzer said.

All the candidates bring something different to the table, but the one thing they have in common is they want Ney’s seat, and think this year Democrats have a chance.

“I think this is a good time for change, I have spoken over the last several months to a number of republicans who themselves want him out,” Ralph Applegate said.

Today was only one stop in the weeks of campaigning ahead for these candidates, and despite Ney’s ten-year congressional tenure none of these challengers are backing down.

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