Thursday, August 10, 2006

IBEW Member Files Complaint Against "Killer Coke"

From the Boston Globe August 10, 2006


Unions file complaint against Killer Coke

Five labor union leaders filed a complaint yesterday against Killer Coke, a group campaigning to highlight gubernatorial candidate Deval Patrick's role as a Coca-Cola executive. In a letter to state campaign finance officials, the unions say Killer Coke violated state campaign finance laws by failing to register as a political action committee or disclose finances. The unions also raised concern that the group could be working in conjunction with or receiving support from other gubernatorial candidates. The letter's cosigners include Richard Stutman of the Boston Teachers Union, Tim Cayton and George Noel of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Michael Grunko of the Service Employees International Union, and Gary Sullivan of the Utility Workers Union of America.

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