Thursday, August 10, 2006

SW Ohio IBEW Members Help Less Fortunate


This past Saturday, the 5th, Vic joined Paul Hackett, the Adams County Democrats, and members of the Carpenters Local 2 and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers to rehabilitate a trailer for a disadvantaged family in Seaman, Adams County. Vic scrubbed the kitchen clean and helped cut dry wall, while a dozen of our Wulsin volunteers lent a helping hand. The skilled workers, including Hackett, provided their construction expertise.

The volunteer effort embodied some of the best qualities that we possess as Americans and Ohioans: hard work, compassion, and the ability to get the job done and deliver real results. We set out to improve the life of a disadvantaged family, and we did. Thanks to all the volunteers who lent their hard work and energy! Check out our blog entry for pictures, video, and more details!!

Distributed as part of the campaign of Dr. Victoria Wulsin who is opposing "Mean Jean" Schmidt for the Second Ohio Congressional Seat

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