Sunday, October 02, 2005

VP Cheney, former IBEW Groundman, arrsted for DUI in 1963

This is about fourth-hand by the time it gets to IBEW News and Views. However it is fascinating to note that IBEW members do work hard and play hard, and did so in the sixties as well.

"Details of Cheney's second Wyoming arrest, in July 1963, have also fallen victim to time and records destruction practices at the local Municipal Court. But a police arrest card (similar to the one that haunted Dubya) maintained by the Rock Springs Police Department shows that Cheney was fined $100 for his second DWI conviction. The card lists the charge against Cheney, who was then working as a groundman laying power lines, as "11-44," the criminal code classification for drunken driving, according to Police Chief Neil Kourbelas."

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