Thursday, February 24, 2005

Democratic Committee of Allegheny County, Pa. Meets at the IBEW Local 5 (Pittsburgh, PA) Union Hall to Discuss Electronic Voting

AccuPoll to Conduct Election for Democratic Committee of Allegheny County, Pa. At IBEW Local 5 Union Hall

Thursday February 24,

TUSTIN, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 24, 2005-- AccuPoll Inc., a developer of Direct Recording Electronic voting systems, today announced that the company has been selected over other prominent national vendors to conduct Sunday's endorsement election for the Democratic Committee of Allegheny County. Members of the party will be casting their ballots using AccuPoll's federally qualified electronic voting machines, which feature a voter verified paper audit trail.

"AccuPoll has long been the leader in voter verified paper audit trail electronic voting systems," said Frank Wiebe, president of AccuPoll. "The Democratic Committee of Allegheny County understands the value of a verifiable paper audit trail and the reliability of AccuPoll's federally qualified electronic voting machines. This will be an excellent opportunity for us to demonstrate to Pennsylvania how a voter verified paper audit trail can help ensure voter and administrative confidence in election results."

AccuPoll designed their electronic voting system to feature a voter verified paper audit trail (VVPAT), which allows voters to verify -- via an immediately printed paper audit trail -- that their vote was accurately recorded at the time it was cast. As a result, AccuPoll's VVPAT system fully empowers voters to independently ensure that their vote is correct at the time it is cast, allowing for an accurate recount and audit capability should the need arise.

AccuPoll's voting system also features an intuitive touch-screen user interface that guides each voter through the voting process while preventing overvotes and undervotes. Each voting station features Braille keypads, audio ballot capabilities, modifiable screen view and multiple language support, fully complying to HAVA accessibility requirements.

An expected 2,600 members of the Democratic Party of Allegheny County are scheduled to cast their ballots on Feb. 27 between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the IBEW Hall, South Side, 5 Hot Metal St., Pittsburgh.

About AccuPoll Holding Corp.

With headquarters in Tustin, AccuPoll (OTCBB:ACUP - News) is the developer of a federally qualified electronic voting system featuring an intuitive touch-screen input and a voter verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) that can be confirmed by the voter at the time the ballot is cast, creating a permanent paper record that can be used for recount and audit purposes.

For additional information, visit

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