Thursday, September 30, 2004

IBEW Local 1316 (Macon GA) Business Manager Offers Some Common Sense About the Upcoming Election in a letter to the Macon Telegraph

Not the right man

The more I see Calder Clay's TV ads and read about him in the newspaper, the more I am convinced he is not the right man to represent the 3rd Congressional District of Georgia. Mr. Clay has attacked everything Mr. Marshall has done in some very silly TV commercials. I have had to ask myself, if Calder Clay wins the election in November, will he be as silly in Congress as his TV ads indicate?

In the 2002 race, I heard someone ask Mr. Clay what kind of representative he intended to be. His reply was a little bit of Saxby Chambliss and a little bit of Charlie Norwood. I wondered at the time what is wrong with just being Calder Clay. Now Mr. Clay wants to embrace John Linder's tax reform. Nothing wrong with tax reform, but wouldn't it be nice if Mr. Clay could come up with something on his own? He is either slamming Jim Marshall or trying to ride on someone else's coat tails.

Mr. Clay attacked Mr. Marshall for voting 73 percent of the time with the Democrats. Mr. Marshall's voting record also indicates that 27 percent of the time he supports Republican issues. That means Mr. Marshall sees value in issues supported by both parties.

I think Jim Marshall truly has the good of the 3rd Congressional District at heart. I think he is doing a great job, and I encourage everyone to vote for sensible government by supporting Marshall in November.

Johnny Mack Nickles
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